Profile Builder - Why is my pipe misformed?
Tonight, did some time spend to get things right. I noticed, see image, that when a junction is small that some items are not drawn correctly.
It look like if the junction size is smaller then a left/right offset size in the profile it doesn't draw correctly. If I make the junction longer then it draws okay. A fault happens as wel in manual and path mode. How can I fix this?
I did make the gravel profile transparant to see better what goes wrong. The blue line is the path
BTW, is there a way to hide an extruded profile or Component temporary by using a checkbox in the profile dialog/inspector <<< Feature request . I don't want to have a special TAG for that. I got already many many many TAG's.
Thank you.
Hello - Try setting your pipe profile offsets to zero (instead of 758 and 160) and rather set the proper offset in the assembly dialog. You might get better results.
It is hard to diagnose the problem unless you share the assembly file so I can perform some tests.
Regarding your feature request, we have considered adding this ability but it is not currently possible. Perhaps in a future version.
Hi Dale, thank you for your response.
Didn't work. I did try this the first time. The solution for me was creating a second Path with an offset.
A little annoying is that in the assembly dialog after adding/setting up a new profile a preset value is set in the up/down offset field. Is there a reason for?
Can you add a checkbox, in the assembly window, if I want to use the stack value?
from all the profile’s I have done I only got 12-16% that I want to have them stacked.
Also please add a button set that says “Make a Copy" and "New profile". Till today I have never needed a copy.
thank you
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