Material Destruction on Sculpt



  • Dale

    Hi John - in order to keep the texture placement during sculpting, you have to utilize projected textures and also disable 'Optimize Mesh'.  

    1. Right-click a painted face with the Select Tool, then choose Texture->Projected.
    2. Using the Paint Bucket, ALT+click the same face to sample projected texture.
    3. SHIFT+Click to apply the projected texture to all faces that use that same material.
    4. Disable Optimize Mesh in the Artisan 2 sculpt settings.

    Now, the texture placement should be maintained as you sculpt except for when using the Reducer Brush.

    Another tip: before step 1, first select the faces in the area you plan to sculpt and click the 'Subdivide' button in the toolbar a few times.  That way, you'll get a denser mesh with uniform triangles prior to sculpting.  This will give better results.

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  • John

    Hi Dale

    Thanks, that worked. I had it projected but I had Optimize Mesh on.

    A related question. If I drape my golf shapes on to the terrain (greens, bunkers etc) is there any way to go back and sculpt the terrain with Artisan without deforming all the material edges ?

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  • Dale

    It should be possible to do that.  Try making the bunker a separate group, even if just temporarily.  That way, a border will be created between the terrain and the bunker.  If you have the 'Lock Boundary' setting enabled, then the borders should stay locked and not deform.

    When you are done sculpting, you can explode the bunker group back to merge with the rest of the terrain.  Let me know if this works for you.

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  • John

    That worked, thanks again. Artisan2 is the tool we have been looking for. The ability to add detail as we sculpt is tranformative for us. Well done 

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