Replace Component+ resizes replacements??



  • Dale

    When the tool is active (after selecting the instances you wish to replace), pressing and releasing CTRL should result in the tool cursor changing.  Are you seeing that? 

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  • Paul Waite

    Yes. It changes from a square to a rectangle.

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  • Dale

    When it's a square, the replacement should not get scaled or resized to match the original bounds. 

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  • Paul Waite

    For whatever reason it makes no difference whether it's a square or rectangle the outcome is *nearly* the same:

    The following is a real world example of a detached garage I am building. As I work on landscaping ideas the screen shots below show replacing small shrubs that have all been scaled to different sizes with the same tree. The tree is resized whether I tap the control key or not.


    The cursor doesn't show in the screen shots above but you can see on the tool hint line at the bottom one is the result of filling target bounds and the other is to not fill target bounds. The outcome is slightly different: scaling to fill target bounds (the first example) yields a slightly larger series of replacements. But my expectation (which I believe is in line with the description of the tool) is that the four small shrubs will be replaced with exact copies of the large tree when the cursor has a square.

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  • Dale

    There is a misunderstanding for how this tool works.  If the rectangle cursor is displayed, the new component will be scaled to match the bounding box of the original component.

    If the square cursor is displayed, no additional scaling is performed.  The new component will use the same position, scale, and rotation as the original ones.  So if the original components were scaled, the scale of the new one will match.

    If you don't want this behavior, you would first need to remove the scaling of the original components.  You can do that by right clicking and choosing 'reset scale'


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