Issue with split and trim to face



  • Dale

    Hi Kevin - thank you for the question!  Certainly, PB3 is designed to be used for both vertical and horizontal Profile Members.  But it seems you have run into some strange behavior which does not appear to be working as designed.

    I could not repeat your results with the split tool.  Everything seemed to work normally for me.  So perhaps if you answered the questions below, I can hopefully reproduce this odd behavior:

    - Are you creating your Profile Members as groups or components?

    - How are you making copies of the vertical members?  Are you just using the built-in move-copy feature of SU or some other method?

    - Are you drawing your members bottom-to-top or top-to-bottom?  (which direction do they run)

    - When splitting them, are you pre-selecting all 3 members or just pre-selecting one of them?

    Lastly, please try to repeat this again but with the Ruby Console window open (Window->Ruby Console)  If you see any error messages in the console, please send them to me.  Thanks!

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  • Kevin

    Hi Dale-

    I am creating theses profile members by drawing vertical lines (edges) that extend just past the highest part of the wall.  Then I am copying that line 12" on center to make as many copies as I need trim boards across the length of the wall.  I am then selecting all of the lines and choosing the build profile along path.  When the profiles are created they are solid groups and I'm assuming they are built from the bottom because that is where the group axes are.  Then I am trimming the top of the member to face of the slope of the roof.  Then I am splitting the members where they intersect window or other roof elements and extending or reducing the member to the top or bottom of the window or element to trim around.

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  • Dale

    Hi Kevin - I think the issue occurs if you trim to a plane BEFORE using the split tool.  Try splitting first and then trimming to the roof slope.  Does that work for you?

    This does seem like a bug though and I have logged it so that we can fix it in a future update.  Thanks for bringing the issue to our attention!

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  • Vojtech Filsak

    Hi, I've found this topic that relates to my question, so:

    Is there a way, how to create theese vertical profile members using an aseembly? It would be super fast to go around the house with this assembly, trim all theese profile members to the roof and deal with the windows in the end.

    Every profile member in an assembly follows the red axis, so if I use assembly component instead, it's no longer unique object and it's imposible to trim each one to the specific hight because they are identical copies of one component.

    Thanks for you respond :)

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