Add ToolTips
Just started using SketchPlus and find that it has no ToolTips. That makes it hard for a first time user to know what the icons mean.
Hi Simon - are you using Mac? Because I don't think it is possible for us to have tooltips on the toolbar for Mac. It is a SketchUp limitation I believe. We do have tooltips on PC for all tools.
I think Mac might show a tip in the status bar at the bottom when hovering over but I'm not 100% sure as I am not in front of a Mac right now.
Thanks for checking out SketchPlus! I hope you find it useful.
HI Simon - could be a bug in SketchUp. for Mac users I was not aware of this issue until now. Please see here:
I suggest clicking through the tools with the Instructor panel open to help you get familiar with the various tools. Likely some of the toolbars you will choose to remain closed which will simplify your interface.
I remember reading that thread but for me, if a toolbar doesn't show tooltips, it doesn't matter which way round they are. As you say, probably something to do with the SU software.
I took your advice and installed Fredo's LOTT extension. I was quickly able to make a toolbar containing the icons from SketchPlus that I am most likely to find useful. Still no tooltips but it solves the scrabbling around amongst dozens of nameless icons! It's not as pretty as Curic's Pie Menu but so far it seems stable on Mac.
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