Add ToolTips



  • Dale

    Hi Simon - are you using Mac?  Because I don't think it is possible for us to have tooltips on the toolbar for Mac.  It is a SketchUp limitation I believe.  We do have tooltips on PC for all tools.

    I think Mac might show a tip in the status bar at the bottom when hovering over but I'm not 100% sure as I am not in front of a Mac right now.

    Thanks for checking out SketchPlus!  I hope you find it useful.

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  • Simon Evans

    I am using a Mac but, as you can see on the attached, native icons do get a tooltip.

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  • Takahiro Terasawa

    I can see all of the tooltips on mac.

    But when changing direction of ToolPalette horizontal to vertical (or vertical to horizontal) the tooltips is lost without restart SketchUp.

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  • Simon Evans

    Well that's odd.  I have tried the palettes horizontal and vertical, have reloaded SU, but none of it makes any tooltips show up.  Mind you, if they are as easily lost as you say, something is clearly very wrong.

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  • Edson Mahfuz

    I am on Mac and most of the extensions I use show tool tips. 

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  • Edson Mahfuz

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  • Simon Evans

    I have just taken a look at various extension palettes.  Some of them do have tooltips, others don't.  I have just updated to the very latest version of SU2021 so it can't be a version issue.  Very strange.

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  • Dale

    HI Simon - could be a bug in SketchUp. for Mac users  I was not aware of this issue until now.  Please see here:

    I suggest clicking through the tools with the Instructor panel open to help you get familiar with the various tools.  Likely some of the toolbars you will choose to remain closed which will simplify your interface.

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  • Simon Evans

    I remember reading that thread but for me, if a toolbar doesn't show tooltips, it doesn't matter which way round they are.  As you say, probably something to do with the SU software.

    I took your advice and installed Fredo's LOTT extension.  I was quickly able to make a toolbar containing the icons from SketchPlus that I am most likely to find useful.  Still no tooltips but it solves the scrabbling around amongst dozens of nameless icons!  It's not as pretty as Curic's Pie Menu but so far it seems stable on Mac.

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  • Serge Krieken

    Hi, I don't have Tooltips on docked Tool bars(under the menu). Other extension do show ToolTips there.

    It would be very helpful there.


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  • Dale

    Hi Searchie - The tooltips work for me whether docked or not when hovering my mouse over the icons.  Which version of SketchUp are you using?

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  • Serge Krieken

    you have magic, now it works.....

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  • Edson Mahfuz

    I still do not see any tool tips.

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  • Mitchell McQuoid

    Still seems to be a mac vertical only toolbar option. This sucks to be honest. Let's get this fixed.

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  • Dale

    Hi Mitchell - this is a SketchUp bug.  Please contact SketchUp support regarding this issue.  There is nothing we can do about it on our end.

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