Selection of faces during "Deep Paint faces" in group/components



  • Dale

    Thanks for the feedback - why would you open the Component to use the Deep Paint Tool?  It seems that if you didn't open the Component, you could avoid these potential painting mistakes.  Could you explain your workflow so I could better understand the issue?  

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  • Serge Krieken

    Hi Dale,

    Often you have surfaces you can't paint directly because there is an other component blocking the view. Even in wireframe you can't select the wanted faces, because all kind of geometry is front and will be slected first. So you can't even reach  the wanted faces...

    In the attached image you see an cabinet, but it's part of a row cabinets. The highlighted blue rectangle is the door of the cabinet on the right side of the open component.

    There are several reasons to paint sides you don't see:

    - if you reuse the components you need all the faces in the right color.

    - in production preparation the color determines the material uses. Often extensions use the material information to creates data sheets. 

    Besides these it paint much quicker if the selection is narrowed to the open component. (hide the rest of the model option)


    If you need more feedback, let me know... 

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  • Dale

    Your comments are noted - we will consider changing this in a future update.

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