The Filter Selection dialog lets you search for specific types of entities or attributes within an existing selection.
- Start by selecting entities in your model using the SketchUp Select tool or another selection-related tool.
- Using the Filter Selection dialog, check the entity types that you wish to select. For example, if you want to select only Edges, check the 'Edges' box.
- Next, click the green 'Select Only' button to discard all entities from the selection except for the ones that match any of the checked items.
- The red 'Deselect Only' button can be used to discard only the checked items and all of the other entities will remain selected.
Note that if ANY of the attributes match, they will participate in the filter. This means that more complex filters may need to be done in multiple steps. See example below:
Selecting all Faces with a Specific Material
In this example, we want to select only faces with the 'Sumele_Skin' material.
First, we window-select the model as shown below to get this result:
Next, we check the 'Faces' box and click 'Select Only'. This results in all non-faces becoming deselected and only faces remain in the selection.
Next, we check the 'Material' attribute and use the Dropper to pick the 'Sumele-Skin' material from the model.
Now, when we click the 'Select Only' button, only the entities with the specified material will remain selected as shown below.
Because the Filter Selection dialog matches ANY of the checked attributes, we could not do this type of selection by checking both Faces and Material at the same time because that would have resulted in other entities such as Edges, Groups, or Components that have the 'Sumele_Skin' material applied remain selected because those entities also might match the checked 'Material' attribute.
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