The current Alpha version of DECAsteel will not regenerate a connection after modifying the connected members.
If you have created connections but then decide later to modify one or more connected members, the recommended workflow is to purge (or delete) the connections of the affected members and then create the necessary connections again.
Purging connections of multiple members can be accomplished using the right-click context menu.
Example Workflow
In this example, three beams are connected to a column. Now the designer chooses to change the column profile to a larger size.
After changing the column profile to a larger size, the affected connections need to be rebuilt.
The connections can be selected and deleted using the tools in the Connection Tab of the builder dialog.
However, it might be faster in some cases to use the Purge Connections feature instead.
Here, we select the three beams and select 'Purge Connections' from the context menu.
Purging connections removes any existing connections applied to the selected members. Now, we can reconnect the beams to the modified column.
Note that in future versions of DECAsteel, we plan to automate these steps so that connections will be regenerated automatically when member properties are modified.
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