With the wall tool, you can draw walls just as easy as drawing lines! If the wall color turns light blue, it means that your wall will automatically merge with the blue wall face. To disable merging of walls, just hold down the ALT key (COMMAND on Mac).
Tool Operation
- Enter the width and height of the wall in the measurements box by providing two values separated by a comma.
- Start a new wall by clicking an existing wall or any point in your model.
- Continue adding points to the wall path (points are constrained to the same elevation).
Modifier Keys
- CTRL= Cycle through placement point options (bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right)
- SHIFT= Hold to lock inference
- ALT= Hold to disable joining to existing walls
- ESC= Stop drawing a wall and reset the tool
- Use right or left arrow keys to lock to the red or green axis.
The wall tool operates similar to the SketchUp line tool. You can enter in the length of the current wall segment using the measurements box.
If you only want to modify the current wall width, just key-in a single measurement. If you only want to modify the wall height and keep the same width, key-in a comma followed by the desired wall height.
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