Placement Point

The placement point controls the location of the path in relation to the profile.

Rotation allows you to specify a rotation value to the Profile. The rotation should be set in degrees and will be applied counter-clockwise.
You can also specify a rotation as a V:H ratio (eg. 1:12)

The mirror attribute allows you to mirror the orientation of the profile about the vertical axis.
X Offset

The X Offset value allows you to offset the location of the placement point in the horizontal direction. Negative values are permitted.
Y Offset

The Y Offset value allows you to offset the location of the placement point in the vertical direction. Negative values are permitted.
Dimension Attributes

The width and height attributes allow you to scale the profile to your desired dimensions. By default, the width to height ratio is locked unless you click the Lock / Unlock button.
Click the 'Reset' button to return to the default scale of the Profile.
Material and Tag Attributes
The Material and Tag attributes allow you to associate a default material and tag to be used when creating a Profile Member with this Profile.
The Material will be applied to all of the faces inside the Profile Member as well as the container group or component.
The Tag is applied to the Profile Member Instance (Group or Component). The faces inside the object will be placed on the current active drawing tag (or untagged if no tag is currently selected).
Junction Style
The Junctions attribute allows you to set whether the Profile Member is discontinuous or continuous and also what junction style to use.
Choose from Continuous, Miter-Joint, Butt-Joint or None.
The None option is new in v4 and will create a unique Profile Member along each edge without any joining or trimming.
If set to miter-joint or butt-joint, a separate Profile Member will be created along each segment of the path.
Extrude Mode
The Extrude Mode attribute allows more control over how a profile gets extruded along a path. Depending on the type of objects you are trying to create, you may find that a particular extrude mode works better. For example:
- The Normal mode is a good 'all-purpose' mode that works great in most situations. Since it keeps co-planar edges, material textures can be nicely wrapped along the extrusion.
- Follow Me mode may be preferred for creating simple wall extrusions because it automatically removes co-planar edges and creates simpler geometry.
- Follow Me mode may be preferred for creating circular piping extrusions along complex 3D paths because it can result in cleaner geometry with no twisted faces. Since piping profiles are circular, if the profile rotates along the path, there is no visual difference.
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