This section allows you to specify standard clearances between structural members and elements. These settings are used in connection and cope generation.
Coping Settings
The beam coping clearances are considered for connection details that require a beam to be coped as shown.
Beam Web to Beam Web = Distance to cutback the web of the supported beam from the supporting beam web
Beam Flange to Beam Flange = Distance to cutback the flange of the supported beam from the supporting beam flange
Beam Flange to Beam Web = Distance to cutback the beam to provide clearance against the supporting beam flange. Note that the supported beam's K distance may determine the actual distance used for the coping cut.
Column Flange to Beam = Distance to cutback a supported beam from the supporting column flange
Column Web to Beam = Distance to cutback a supported beam from the supporting column web
Brace to Column / Beam = Distance to cutback a brace from the supporting column or beam
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