A Standard is simply a collection of DECAsteel settings that are intended to not be changed during the life of a project.
These 'Standard' settings are easily reusable and can be shared with other team members working on a related project or model.
Standards are intended to help team members create consistent results that meet the minimum Design Standards of the Project.
DECAsteel can use Standards as default values but also to ensure that team members inputting parameters that meet the current standard.
This helps facilitate efficiency, quality, and collaboration.
Viewing the Current Standard
There can be only one Standard assigned to the current model. To open the Standard dialog and view the Standard, use the menu option: Extensions / DECAsteel / Standard
DECAsteel includes some example Standards for you to get started easily. These can be easily customized.
Standards are stored as .json files. The current Standard is shown in the title at the top of the dialog.
Creating a New Standard
Click the New button to create a new Standard file. Enter a name for the new Standard and select an existing Standard to use as a template. Finally, click 'Create'. The new Standard will be created and assigned to the current model.
Editing a Standard
Be careful when editing a Standard that has been shared with other team members or is currently being used for a project.
Simply change the values and click the Save button to modify the current Standard.
Loading a Standard
Click the Load button to assign another Standard to the model. You can then select from a list of all Standards that exist in your Standards folder. (To load from another folder, you must first change the 'Standards Library' folder of the current Standard)
Standards and Model Units
DECAsteel displays length units in the same format that is set by your current SketchUp Model Info.
If your Standard was created using metric units, ensure that your SketchUp Model Length units are also metric.
In the same way, if your Standard was created using imperial units, ensure your SketchUp Model Length units are also imperial.
In the example below, the Standard was created using metric dimensions, but the current Model Info units are set to imperial. This results in undesirable rounding:
By changing the SketchUp Model Info units to mm, we can now see the Standard values displayed accurately:
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