The Loop Tool is used to create and edit edge-loops in quad-based geometry. If your model is not quad-based, the loop tool has limited use.
Press ALT to toggle between Edit and Add Loop modes.
Operation (Edit Mode)
- Move the mouse over an edge loop and it will become highlighted.
- Click a highlighted loop to start editing.
- Move the mouse to slide the loop and change the position.
- While the loop is selected, you can press DELETE to delete the loop.
- Click again to set the new position of the loop.
Operation (Add Loop Mode)
- Move the mouse over an edge. A preview of the new loop will be displayed.
- Click a point on an edge to create a new loop at that position.
- SHIFT = Tap to match the orientation of the adjacent loops. The matched loop will highlight. Tap SHIFT again to choose the opposite loop or disable loop matching.
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