The Extend Tool can be used to modify the length of a Profile Member or Assembly. It can also be used to split these objects.
New in v4 is the ability to extend and split assemblies! In previous versions, the extend tool only worked for Profile Members.
Launch the Tool
Click the end of an Object to Modify
The object can be a Profile Member or an Assembly.
The selected end of the object becomes highlighted.
Move the mouse to define the extension distance
Click again to complete
Extending Multiple Objects
If you have multiple objects selected prior to launching the tool, you can modify them all at the same time.
Splitting Objects
Press CTRL / OPTION to toggle splitting mode.
Creating a Gap in a Closed Path
New in v4, if you use the Extend Tool on an object with a closed path, you can specify the gap distance for the split. Since it is not possible to extend a closed path, you will be forced to split the object if you use the Extend Tool on these types of objects.
Setting the Total Length of an Object
New in v4, you can easily set the total (path) length of any Profile Builder object using the Extend Tool. After clicking to choose the start or end of the object, key in a length followed by the letter 's' to set the SUM of the length of the object.
For example, to set the total length of a fence to 10', key-in 10's.
After keying in a measurement with 's' and pressing ENTER or RETURN, the object's total length will be adjusted to the given length. This works even for objects built along complex curving paths.
Thicken a Face into a Profile Member
1. Draw a Face
2. Launch the tool
3. Click the face
4. Thicken or extrude the face using the tool.
This feature can be useful for creating solid slabs or panels.
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