It is highly recommended that you create a column grid using the DECAsteel grid line features.
Creating Grid Lines
Open the builder dialog and click the Grid Lines icon to access the grid settings and tools.
Click the 'Build Grid' button to create a new grid lines with the settings that are shown in the dialog.
The build grid tool always places grid lines on the ground plane. You can move them to a different elevation with the native move tool if required.
Click a point in the model for the start of the grid line. Then click another point to set the end.
Once the first line is created, subsequent clicks will determine the distance and direction to the next parallel grid line.
Continue to click points to place additional parallel grid lines. Before clicking, you can key-in an exact distance to offset the new line from the previous one. The label will automatically get incremented with each new grid line.
Press ESC to reset the tool. Change the 'Label' setting the dialog to the number '1'. Now click two new points to create a perpendicular grid line.
Continue clicking points to place additional grid lines.
Editing Grid Lines
Select the grid lines you wish to edit using the native Select Tool. Next, modify the settings in the dialog that you wish to change. In the image below, two grid lines were selected and the bubble location was changed to 'Beginning'
Click the Apply button or press CTRL+ENTER to apply the change.
Adding More Adjacent Grid Lines
To add more grid lines adjacent to an existing one, active the Build Grid tool.
Instead of clicking points for the new grid line, press the CTRL / OPTION key to switch to 'Add Adjacent' mode. If there is a 'plus' symbol on the mouse cursor, you are in the correct mode.
While in this mode, click an existing grid line. Now you can add another grid line next to it.
Key-in an offset or click a point to create the adjacent grid line.
Modifying End Points
If you need to adjust the end points of the grid line, use the Extend Tool
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