Reusable column Baseplate Components that are compatible with DECAsteel are created using the Baseplate tab in the Builder dialog.
The Component dropdown lists the compatible Baseplate components in your model. If the baseplate settings are not visible, that means there are no DECAsteel baseplates currently in your model.
Creating a Baseplate
Click the 'Create Baseplate' button to create a new baseplate and add it to your model:
After clicking this button, you will be prompted to set the name of the baseplate and the settings to base it on. Here, we choose to base the new baseplate settings on BP-3. This is like using BP-3 as 'template' for the new baseplate.
Click OK to create the new component. Now, you can modify the settings for the new baseplate which is initially a copy of BP-3.
Below are the modified settings. As settings are modified, the preview is updated. However, the new settings are not yet applied to the baseplate.
Click the Apply button or press CTRL+ENTER to apply the changes. Now, the selected baseplate settings have been changed.
If this baseplate was being used by one or more columns in the model, the changes would be reflected there as well.
Saving a Baseplate to your Library
If you want to save the selected baseplate to your Baseplates library, click the Save Baseplate button:
This will save the baseplate component as a SKP file to your Baseplates library folder. This folder is defined by your current Standard.
Loading a Baseplate from your Library
If you want to load a baseplate from Baseplates library into the current model, click the Load Baseplate button:
This will open your library folder and allow you to pick the baseplate SKP component to load into your current model. Once it is loaded, you can modify the settings if desired.
Removing a Baseplate from the Model
Baseplates are normal SketchUp components but with additional DECAsteel attributes. You can remove a baseplate from your model by right-clicking the component in the Components Panel and selecting Delete from the pop-up menu.
Delete baseplates with caution! You should only delete baseplates if you are certain that they are not being used by columns in your model.
Baseplate Settings Reference
Note that the axes of a baseplate component created by DECAsteel will always be positioned at the bottom center of the baseplate as shown below.
- Name = Name of the Baseplate Component
- Length = Dimension of the baseplate along its red axis
- Width = Dimension of the baseplate along its green axis
- Thickness = Dimension of the baseplate along its blue axis
- Bolt Pattern = Chose the number and layout of the anchor bolts
- Hole Size = The diameter of the anchor bolt holes
- Hole X = The distance along the red x-axis from the axes to the bolt holes
- Hole Y = The distance along the green y-axis from the axes to the bolt holes
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