Creating Beams
Open the builder dialog and click the Beam icon to access the beam settings and tools.
Choose a steel profile by typing in the name or selecting from the dropdown list. If the Profile list is empty, you need to first install a profile library.
Click the 'Build Beam' button to create new beams with the settings that are shown in the dialog.
Click two points in the model to create a beam. You can use arrow keys or SHIFT to enable SketchUp inferencing. The two points that were clicked now form the 'path-line' for the beam.
The position and orientation of the profile relative to the path-line of the beam (insertion point) is determined by the following settings:
- Placement Point (base insertion point)
- Rotation (rotate the profile)
- X Offset (horizontal offset)
- Y Offset (vertical offset)
- Mirrored (flip the profile along vertical axis)
When the Build Beam tool is active, a preview of the profile orientation will be displayed attached to the mouse cursor prior to your first click.
Editing Beams
Editing beams follows the same pattern used for editing other DECAsteel objects.
- Select the beams that you wish to edit
- Modify the settings in the dialog
- Click Apply
Curved Beams
To create curved or multi-segment Beams, use one of these methods:
- Pre-select a path of edges / curves in your SketchUp model prior to clicking the Build Beam tool. The Beam will follow the path of edges / curves.
- Hold CTRL (Mac: COMMAND) while using the Build Beam Tool to create a multi-segment Beam.
- Enable Path Line Snapping to place beams quickly and accurately.
- Set an Active Level to lock the Build Beam tool to a specific elevation.
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